Kubernetes: Removing Evicted pods

1 minute read

Recently I’ve been working a lot with Kubernetes in the Azure Cloud for my current employer. While deploying a microservice to a newly created namespace I saw that a lot of pods where having the status ‘Evicted‘. But what was the status ‘Evicted‘? I’d never seen it before.

A quick Google brought me to Kubernetes.io (ofcourse). And there I read that it means my cluster was running out of resources. Which made sense because I was expanding the cluster with new namespaces and multiple new pods, but I haven’t added any additional nodes.

My current Kubernetes Service was running three nodes in the same pool based on a Standard_D2_v3 Virtual Machine. Basically this means I was running three Virtual Machines in my cluster. This configuration allows me up to 30 pods according to Azure. But was that still sufficient enough? I Already had three namespaces with an average of 7-9 pods. So I was running close to the suggested maximum of 30 pods already. Luckily this was easily solved by adding an additional node!

After that I ran the kubectl-command below the remove all Evicted pods in my namespace. And everything was fine again

kubectl get pod -n <my-namespace> | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n <my-namespace>
